There are two different Firearms Licenses you can apply for: Non-Restricted (Possession and Acquisition License) and Restricted (Restricted Possession and Acquisition License).

The Non-Restricted license (or PAL) allows you to own and possess Non-Restricted Firearms (most shotguns and rifles) as well as purchasing ammunition. A Restricted license (or RPAL) includes all the privileges of the Non-Restricted license as well as owning and possessing Restricted Firearms (handguns* as well as some shotguns and rifles – usually short barreled firearms).

*Current legislation does not allow a person to acquire a new handgun except under some very specific circumstances (people training for, competing in, or coaching the Olympic pistol events).

Many clubs are still requiring a Restricted license for membership – most members are participating in handgun disciplines and they want people who know how to handle handguns safely.

To obtain a Non-Restricted license, you need to take the Canadian Firearms Safety Course (CFSC) and its exams. To obtain a Restricted License, you will need to take the Canadian Firearms Safety Course (CFSC) and it’s exams AND the Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course and its exams.

Both courses include theory (lecture and discussion) and hands-on practice (disabled firearms and dummy ammunition – no live fire).

You will learn:

  • Basic firearms safety practices
  • Ammunition types and storage
  • Operating firearm actions
  • Safe handling and carry procedures
  • Responsibilities of the firearms owner/user
  • Safe storage, display, transportation, and handling of firearms
  • Minors who successfully complete the CFSC course can apply for a Minor’s License


  • Under 18 – Parental consent required for minors
  • Aged 18+ to apply for PAL with restricted privileges
  • Minors may take the CRFSC course for educational purposes only with parental consent (To apply for a PAL after the age of 18, students must retake the course and pass the written and practical exams)

Additional Details

  • Students may take the CFSC and CRFSC together as a Back-to-Back course for a discounted rate
  • 100% course attendance is required to complete the test
  • Retests must be taken within 30 days